Stained-glass tableware
We create precious tableware in jewelry stained-glass enamel technique. And this is a long process of manual work - for example, for manufacturing a kovsh based on Russian fairy tales it took us 5 months of work, a team of artists and jewelers, 3 jewelry techniques, as well as 200 meters of wire weighing 100 grams, 17 colors of enamel and fire furnaces.
Briefly about the technique of stained-glass enamel - the base of the product is created from 925 silver filigree. The soldered openwork ornament is a solid frame of the product. The crushed stained-glass enamel is washed with distilled water and, in the form of a sandy suspension, colorfully embedded in the created silver pattern. Each enamel color has its own melting point - this is how the product undergoes multiple firing in muffle furnaces at temperatures of 720-760 degrees.
The sources of inspiration for creating tableware are: the atmosphere of fabulous and epic Russia, traditional Russian ornaments, the art of ancient Byzantium, the mysterious world of the East, refined images of the Art Nouveau style...
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In this section we will tell you about most of our works.

Сказы Амура

Лириды Катуни

Мифы Нуменора

Грааль Сватральфахейма

Обетование Белухи

Дыхание Сильфиды


Ковш по мотивам русских сказок

Шёпот Сомниферума

Очарование Тауси

Песнь Илуватара

Крылья Исиды

Истома Илифии

Вефиль Лофотенов

Мерцание Мулифена

Кафимская Жемчужина

Ликёрные рюмки

Сны Лофорина

Маркато Митрандира

Дары Нолдоров

Созвездие Вериллия

Стожары Вифсаиды

Россыпи Яхонта

Грёзы Зебергеда

Ковш по мотивам русских сказок

Державный стакан

Ковш Сказочный




Чайная ложка Сокровище Ахеменидов