There are 40 of us, and we actually live our business – creating icons in precious salaries. Since the workshop was founded in 1999, we have created more than 200 icons – some of these icons make up the golden fund of the workshop, the other part is in private collections, foundations and museums.
At the same time, in addition to the main direction of icon production, we create products in the technique of stained-glass enamel, continuing the work of pre-revolutionary craftsmen. Since childhood, we have been attracted by the light of a kaleidoscope, and stained-glass enamel gives us these emotions again. The source of inspiration for creating tableware is Russian art, namely the atmosphere of fabulous and epic Russia.
We cover important events of the workshop: past and upcoming exhibitions, new precious products, awards and meetings...

Церемония награждения
Торжественная церемония награждения ювелиров в Москве, проведенная
Министерством Финансов совместно с Гохран.
Награждена медалью "За трудолюбие и искусство" руководитель мастерской Хризолит - Рязанцева Галина Николаевна.
31 января 2025 г.
Выставка.Ростов Великий
Выставка «Ростов Великий 2025»
Ростовский кремль
7 февраля - 16 марта 2025 г.
Выставка Уникальная Россия.
Москва, Ильинка 4, Гостиный двор
23 января - 9 февраля 2025 г.
Камнерезное и ювелирное искусство.Выставка мастера России
Краснопролетарская, 36
15 ноября - 8 декабря 2024 г.
Museum. Ekaterinburg
Museum of the History of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art
A blessed display of craft
Present time. Находится в хранилище «Золотая кладовая» - только экскурсионный билет.
Exhibition. Rostov-the-Great
The Rostov Kremlin.Museum plein air
October 17-27
Exhibition. Moscow
Gostiny Dvor. The 47th Russian Antique Salon
November 24-28
Exhibition. Moscow
Gostiny Dvor. Antique Salon
Museum. Ekaterinburg
Museum of the History of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art
A blessed display of craft
The award ceremony. Rostov-the-Great
Presentation of awards to artists and jewelers of the Hrizolit workshop
January 16
Exhibition. Moscow
Gostiny Dvor. Antique Salon
November 25 - December 3
Museum. Saint-Petersburg
The Museum of the Navy
October 17 - November 27
Museum. Rostov-the-Great
The Rostov Kremlin.
June 17th
Exhibition. Moscow
The Central Arena. Russian Art & Antique Fair
April 16 - April 21