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Fixing the frame on the icon

Мы часто акцентируем внимание на том, что рамка надевается на икону целиком - это важно, так как такое крепление рамки позволяет сохранить картину, не повредив ее. Последствия фиксации рамы по частям можно увидеть на примере старинных икон - на них часто утрачены фрагменты росписи со следами гвоздей, которыми была закреплена рама.

Фрагмент иконы

A fragment of the Rublev Trinity icon

Фрагмент иконы

A fragment of the Crucifixion icon. 1500

Already in pre-revolutionary times, large jewelry workshops (Faberge House, P.A. Ovchinnikov factory and others) they strive not to damage the picturesque Images and begin to change their approach. The parts of the salary are connected to each other and are superimposed on the icon as a single whole. Thus, the frame is fixed on the sides of the icon with two carnations, or it is pressed flat on the edges.

Also, for us, the integrity of the Image is of great importance. Precisely calibrated, in accordance with the painting, filigree chasubles, enamel backgrounds and baguettes, inscriptions and Gospels - all this is soldered together and only then put on a wooden icon. We additionally cover the back and sides of the icon with fabric, preventing it from mechanical influences and giving it a beautiful look from the reverse side.

We rarely cover icons painted in the technique of miniature enamel painting with a frame - enamel is durable and time does not affect it, which makes the brightness of the colors shine like a precious frame. Only in some cases, the filigree background allows you to artistically improve the overall appearance (for example, The image of the Mother of God Akhtyrskaya ). The copper plate with the painting is attached with a silver baguette to a tree (also covered with fabric) and framed with a precious enamel baguette.

For the icon, if necessary, a cabinet is made by cabinetmakers from valuable wood species. The icon-case protects the icon from the effects of the external environment, as a result of which the metal is not covered with patina, the gilding does not darken, while maintaining a "modern sound". The appearance of a patina is a natural process that forms on the surface of metals under the influence of the environment - while the product, eventually covered with patina, takes on a noble antique shade, revealing the whole game of enamel color..